Vertical Bench Top Optical Profile Projector VB400
Vertical Bench Top Optical Profile Projector
The VB400 vertical optical projector allows flat parts to be simply laid on a glass insert in the workstage. Features include a 400mm / 16” diameter vertical screen, ultra-bright LEDs for long-life illumination, linear encoder scales for 0.5μm / .00002” resolution, and angular readout to better than 1’ resolution. Available with stages with 200 x 100mm / 8” x 4” of XY travel. Options include six projection lenses from 10x to 100x and a choice of digital interfaces.
• Fully usable 400mm / 16” diameter vertically mounted screen with precision cross lines, overlay clips and integral hood
• Large measuring travel: 200mm / 8” X-axis, 100mm / 4” Y-Axis
• Fast traverse, quick release mechanism on X and Y axis
• LED profile lighting and LED surface illumination fitted as standard
• High precision workstage with 400 x 225mm / 16 x 8.875” top plate, with two machine slots for easy fixturing
• Stage weight capacity: 10kg / 22lbs (evenly distributed)
• Screen driven rotary Q axis
• 0.001mm resolution linear scales, upgrade to Heidenhain scales available as an option
• Automatic edge detection option
• All Starrett Optical Profile Projectors have lens magnifications set and calibrated to the following accuracies: Profile: ±0.05%. Surface Illumination: ±0.10%.